Z-OptimiZr for Cloud Storage

Volume Optimization, Acceleration and Cost Reduction for Microsoft OneDrive - Microsoft SharePoint WebDAV folders - IBM Box - Google Drive - Dropbox - Network shares - and even local drives and folders!

Network Acceleration

Millions of cloud files made smaller
Better usage of your network bandwidth

Shared storage space optimization

You may not need all these servers.
Check our optimization solutions before to buy new ones.

Performance Improvement

Millions of cloud files made smaller
Faster access to your Cloud storage space

Cost Reduction

Reduced network and cloud storage needs
Lower costs


Whatever is your storage platform / infrastructure accessed through Windows File Explorer:

Microsoft OneDrive - IBM Box - Google Drive - Dropbox - Other cloud storage services - Private clouds - SharePoint WebDAV folders - FTP servers - Network servers - NAS...
Z-OptimiZr for Cloud Storage, by reducing at the source, automatically, transparently and permanently, the size of the files uploaded to your storage platforms, maximizes the usage of network bandwidth and storage space:
  • File uploads and downloads consume two times less network bandwidth.
  • Files are uploaded, downloaded and synchronized two times faster.
  • Files consume two times less storage space.
  • You can store two times more data on your available storage space.
  • The process is fully transparent. The optimized files remain in their original format. The quality of the files is fully preserved.
If you need to optimize the files uploaded to your storage platforms (like Microsoft OneDrive, IBM Box or Connections, Google Drive, Dropbox…) through web browsers (Internet Explorer, Edge, Chrome or Firefox), please see
Z-OptimiZr for Web Browsers.
Start Optimizing your Cloud and Network Storage Services
in 5 minutes time!
Microsoft OneDrive
Microsoft SharePoint WebDAV folders
Google Drive
Private cloud folders
Network folders
NAS and Local folders
Microsoft OneDrive
Microsoft SharePoint WebDAV Folders
Google Drive
Private Cloud Folders
Network Folders
NAS and Local Folders

Reduce your cloud and network storage needs by 50% or even more!

In Windows Explorer, each time a user drag-drops or copy-pastes files in OneDrive, SharePoint WebDAV folders, IBM Box, Google Drive, Dropbox, network folders or even local folders (depending on product parameters), Z-OptimiZr for Cloud Storage automatically and transparently reduces the size of these files by performing on-the-fly Native XML File Optimization (for all Microsoft Office XML files like DOCX, PPTX, XLSX, VSDX etc.) and Native Image File Optimization (for JPG, GIF, PNG, BMP, EMF, WMF, TIF and TIFF files).
Zip compression can be used (based on product parameters) with the other file types.

The optimization and compression processes take place locally, before the files even reach the target folders into which they are dropped or pasted.

The rendering quality of the optimized files is fully preserved. Users make no difference between original files and optimized files when displaying them at screen or printing them.

Z-OptimiZr CS reduces your needs for cloud storage and network storage-related network bandwidth and disk space by 50% (or even more).

The optimization process remains fully transparent to your OneDrive, SharePoint, IBM Box, Google Drive, Dropbox, network folders etc. users, and to all consumers of the uploaded files as well, and this even if they do not have Z-OptimiZr for Cloud Storage installed!

Boost the performance of your cloud and network storage services

The performance boost delivered at the source by Z-OptimiZr for Cloud Storage applies to your OneDrive, SharePoint WebDAV folders, IBM Box, Google Drive, Dropbox, Network folders etc. users (faster file uploads, downloads, faster synchronizations), to your storage servers (smaller files means less data to process and better performances), to your LANs and WANs (even when equipped with network compression appliances), as well as to all the processes having to handle the cloud and network files, like indexing, searching, backup and restore operations, archiving etc.

The reason is simple:
Whatever you have to do with files is faster with smaller files.

Z-OptimiZr for Cloud Storage is considered to be the simpler and most powerful solution for cloud and network storage service-using organizations facing network saturation and network performance issues.

File traffic being the most network bandwidth consuming traffic, the massive network bandwidth savings delivered by Z-OptimiZr CS also benefit to all of the other applications using the network, and most particularly to the interactive applications for which good response times are still more critical.

Imagine your global network with OneDrive, SharePoint, IBM Box, Google Drive, Dropbox, network folders etc. users, generating 2 times less traffic...

Improve the usage of your cloud and network storage services!

By accelerating the access to the cloud files and network files, Z-OptimiZr for Cloud Storage helps improving user efficiency and user satisfaction index as well.

By avoiding massive waste of network bandwidth and storage space, Z-OptimiZr CS also enables you to make the best possible usage of these resources and to avoid recurring purchases of network bandwidth or storage space extensions.

For cloud customers, even if the today's cost of cloud storage appears to be cheap, things may be different once your migration to the Cloud is fully completed, and when you start becoming a more and more a captive customer of your cloud provider. Prices may significantly increase then, and you will certainly be in better position with 2 times less terabytes stored in the Cloud than with 2 times more.

See how it works

Videos of Z-OptimiZr CS Optimization, Compression, and PDF Conversion Features at Work:


Automatic and transparent on-the-fly native XML volume optimization for Microsoft Office 2007, 2010, 2013 and 2016 XML attached files (DOCX, PPTX, XLSX, VSDX... files) and Open Office XML files (ODT, ODP, ODS files) drag-dropped or copy-pasted into your cloud storage and network storage folders. +


Automatic and transparent on-the-fly native volume optimization for picture and image files (JPG, GIF, PNG, BMP, EMF, WMF, TIF, TIFF) drag-dropped or copy-pasted into your cloud storage and network storage folders.
Optional policies to resize largest images to maximum specific dimensions, for instance HD - 1920 x 1080 pixels. +


Automatic and transparent on-the-fly Zip compression and decompression for files drag-dropped or copy-pasted into your cloud storage and network storage folders. +


Automatic and transparent on-the-fly PDF conversion for files drag-dropped or copy-pasted into selected cloud storage and network storage folders.
The resulting PDF files are optimized for high quality rendering and low size in KB.+


Your files once optimized by Z-OptimiZr for Cloud Storage:

Typical residual sizes of files processed by Z-OptimiZr CS (in percent of their original size):

  • XML files (DOCX, PPTX, XLSX etc.) 49% 49%
  • Image files (JPG, PNG, BMP etc.) 32% 32%
  • Other files 43% 43%
  • Files converted to PDF 44% 44%

Cascading Benefits:

Z-OptimiZr for Cloud Storage reduces, at the source, the "damages" resulting of having hundreds to hundreds of thousands of users, like at our largest customers, uploading files of all sizes (often large) to their cloud storage folders and network storage folders.

Z-OptimiZr CS optimizes (automatically and transparently) the files at the time they are dragged and dropped or copied and pasted to cloud storage and network storage folders.

By doing so, Z-OptimiZr CS drastically reduces the size of the uploaded files before they even reach their target folder, and without requiring any specific action from the users.

The volume reduction effect on your network links to the Cloud and on your cloud storage space is delivered instantly, as soon as Z-OptimiZr is installed.


Imagine your cloud, private cloud and network storage services (network and storage space) with two times less data to handle.

Z-OptimiZr for Cloud Storage is automatic and Transparent.
It starts delivering all the benefits listed above as soon as it is installed.

Z-OptimiZr CS is fully automatic and 100% transparent. Cloud storage users have no special actions to take in order to use Z-OptimiZr CS, no user education is required.
This means that as soon as Z-OptimiZr CS is installed, it starts reducing the volume of cloud traffic and storage generated by each individual user uploading files to the Cloud, and begins delivering all of the benefits listed above.

Since we have installed Z-OptimiZr for Cloud Storage, the growing rate of needs for private cloud storage has been reduced by 60%.

More details on:

Network bandwidth savings…

Storage savings…

Z-OptimiZr for Cloud Storage native optimization features for XML files (DOCX, PPTX, XLSX etc. files) and picture files (JPG, GIF, BMP, PNG, TIF, TIFF, EMF and WMF files) are really bluffing!

We get on average over 50% volume reduction on these files, particularly on the 20% of files consuming 80% of our cloud storage (the largest files).

The optimized attached files remaining in their original format and their rendering quality being fully preserved, the Z-OptimiZr optimization process is completely transparent to our users, even for those not having Z-OptimiZr CS installed.


XML File Native Optimization…

Image File Native Optimization…

Example of files before and after optimization:

Image files…

MS Office files…

Because in many cases, it is better to share non-easily modifiable PDF files rather than MS Office files, the Instant Z-OptimiZr PDF conversion triggered when dragging and dropping files into a shared folder dedicated for this purpose is a great time-saving feature, available exactly when the users need it.

Plus, most often, the size of the resulting PDF files is by far smaller than the size of the original MS Office files, and the PDF file rendering quality is always excellent.


PDF Conversion…

The Z-OptimiZr automatic native optimization of picture files being dropped into our SharePoint WebDAV folders is like magic!

Particularly when setting a Maximum Image Size policy to automatically reduce the largest images dimensions to dimensions more convenient for quick computer browsing, like HD (1920 x 1080 pixels) for instance.

This makes no visual difference to the users and the volume reduction ratios are just incredible, sometimes over 90%!

The optimized picture files being sometimes more than ten times smaller than the original files, they are uploaded / downloaded to and from our SharePoint WebDAV folders at light speed.


Image File Native Optimization…

Act Now!

Optimization-related questions?

Questions about:
  • Our optimization solutions?
  • SharePoint performance problems?
  • Email or IM volume or performance issues?
  • Migrating to the cloud and needing to anticipate network bandwidth issues?
  • Looking for an optimization solution you did not find on our web site?

Fully functional evaluation versions

Start evaluating our client and server optimization solutions for:
  • Microsoft Outlook, OWA, Exchange, Lync / Skype for Business and SharePoint
  • IBM Notes, iNotes, Domino, Connections and Verse
  • Google Gmail, Outlook.com, Yahoo Mail and other web mails

Curious to have a look at MS Office XML files natively optimized by our solutions?

Before evaluating our optimization solutions, you’d like to look at some MS Office XML file samples, before and after optimization, check the volume reduction ratios, display original and optimized DOCX, PPTX etc. files side by side at screen or even print them.

Curious to have a look at image files natively optimized by our solutions?

Before evaluating our optimization solutions, you’d like to look at some image file samples, before and after optimization, check the volume reduction ratios, display original and optimized pictures side by side at screen or even print them.

Needing offline reading material?

  • PDF product flyers
  • White Papers
  • PowerPoint presentations
  • Video demo

Let's stay in touch!

Would you be one of our customers or just starting an evaluation of our optimization solutions, or just thinking about using them for future projects, we can stay in touch through our newsletters.
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