MK Net.Work Volume Optimization, Acceleration and Cost Reduction Software Solutions
for Microsoft, IBM, and other Messaging and Collaboration Platforms

Start optimizing and accelerating your email and collaboration systems now!

Deep integration of OneDrive, SharePoint Online and Teams with Microsoft Outlook

Version 6 now includes a Cloud Explorer for OneDrive, SharePoint Online and Teams, integrated into a Microsoft Outlook Side Panel!

More information and evaluation version on:

New version 6

Attach2Cloud Automatically uploads your Microsoft Outlook attached files to OneDrive SharePoint Online and Teams.

  • Attach your files in Microsoft Outlook as usual
    (except you can attach files of any size, up to 250 GB per file + there is no email maximum size limit anymore!)
  • Send your email and you are done!
  • You email is put to the Outlook outbox as usual.
  • Attach2Cloud automatically:
    • uploads your email attached files to OneDrive, SharePoint Online or Teams
    • share them with the recipients of your email
    • replaces them by Modern Attachments

    before your email is sent.



HCL Notes

See our optimization solutions for HCL Notes!

HCL Domino

See our optimization solutions for HCL Domino!

HCL Connections

See our optimization solutions for HCL Connections!

HCL iNotes

See our optimization solutions for HCL iNotes!

HCL Verse

See our optimization solutions for HCL Verse!


See our optimization solutions for IBM Box!

…other email and collaboration platforms…


…or generic platforms like file servers, NAS, cloud and local storage, web browsers:


Get your first volume reduction and acceleration results in 5 minutes time!


Network and storage volume reduction obtained by the automatic and transparent native optimization (volume reduction without zipping) of all MS Office files (like DOCX, PPTX, XLSX etc.) and all image files (like JPG, PNG, BMP etc.) attached to emails and uploaded + stored on your collaboration platforms.
Native and automatic optimization of images copied and pasted into emails and collaboration documents.
Automatic zip compression is available for files that cannot be optimized natively (other than MS Office and image files).


With 50% less volume to transit, store and manage, your email and collaboration systems and your networks performs two times faster.
This is particularly interesting to improve the overall performance of cloud-based email and collaboration platforms that are known to be extremely demanding in terms of network bandwidth.
Having email and collaboration system users consuming less network bandwidth, thanks to our optimization solutions, also enables your other cloud applications to perform faster.

Cost Reductions

By significantly reducing your email and collaboration network bandwidth and storage needs, you reduce your operating costs.
You can defer investments in infrastructure extensions and host more users on your existing messaging and collaboration platforms.
Even in the cloud, uncontrolled amounts of stored data always generate a very significant increase of network bandwidth needs, and the speed and throughput of your network leased lines to the Cloud are not unlimited.

With our Proven Optimization and Acceleration Software Solutions

Million end-users of our client Software

Million optimized items per year (client and server software)

Users at our largest global customer

email and collaboration platforms

email and collaboration platforms

Act Now!

Optimization-related questions?

Questions about:
  • Our optimization solutions?
  • SharePoint performance problems?
  • Email or IM volume or performance issues?
  • Migrating to the cloud and needing to anticipate network bandwidth issues?
  • Looking for an optimization solution you did not find on our web site?

Fully functional evaluation versions

Start evaluating our client and server optimization solutions for:
  • Microsoft Outlook, OWA, Exchange, Lync / Skype for Business, SharePoint and OneDrive
  • IBM Notes, iNotes, Domino, Connections, Verse and IBM Box
  • Google Gmail and other web mails, Google Drive, DropBox

Curious to have a look at Microsoft Office XML files natively optimized by our solutions?

Before evaluating our optimization solutions, you’d like to look at some Microsoft Office XML file samples, before and after optimization, check the volume reduction ratios, display original and optimized DOCX, PPTX and XLSX files side by side at screen or even print them.

Curious to have a look at image files natively optimized by our solutions?

Before evaluating our optimization solutions, you’d like to look at some image file samples, before and after optimization, check the volume reduction ratios, display original and optimized pictures side by side at screen or even print them.

Would you like to know more about our customers?

You wonder if our optimization solutions are backed by a solid customer base?
The answer is Yes!


Let's stay in touch!

Would you be one of our customers or just starting an evaluation of our optimization solutions, or just thinking about using them for future projects, we can stay in touch through our newsletters.

Needing offline reading material?

  • PDF product flyers
  • White Papers
  • PowerPoint presentations
  • Video demo
© 1995-2025 MK Net.Work
Optimization and Acceleration software for Microsoft, IBM and other Email and Collaboration Platforms

Volume reduction

  • 40% to 50%+ reduction of your email and collaboration network traffic
  • 40% to 50%+ reduction of the existing amount of data stored on your email and collaboration servers
  • 40% to 50%+ reduction of your network bandwidth needs

Reduction of resource consumption (CPU, disk IOs, time)

40% to 50%+ reduction of the amount of resources (CPU, disk IOs, time) needed on your servers to handle the email and collaboration data, since every single transaction processing a file (routing, insertion into and extraction from the email and collaboration server stores, indexing, archiving etc.) consumes two times less resources with a file of a size reduced by 50% by our solutions.

Performance Improvements

40% to 50%+ performance improvements, since every single transaction processing a file (upload, routing, download, insertion into and extraction from the email and collaboration server stores etc.) is two times faster with a file of a given size reduced by 50% by our solutions.

Cost reductions

Reduction of the costs of operating your email and collaboration platforms, opportunities to delay IT infrastructure investments, opportunity to host more users on your existing infrastructures.

User Satisfaction

Better user satisfaction index thanks to faster email and collaboration applications.

We focus on the most resource-consuming email and collaboration items: files

Since files (like email attached files, SharePoint and OneDrive files for instance) represent 90% or more of the data volume generated and handled on your email and collaboration platforms, our software solutions work on making all files sent, stored and received on these platforms significantly smaller, and this being done automatically and transparently.

Our software solutions include state-of-the-art file volume reduction features like:

  • Native XML file optimization for all MS Office files
  • Native image file optimization for all image files
  • Native image file optimization for pasted images
  • Industry-standard zip compression for file formats that cannot be natively optimized
  • Optimized PDF file conversion

These optimization features are embedded in an extensive and modular portfolio of solutions enabling to:

  • Reduce the amount of data generated by the users of your email and collaboration platforms at the source
  • Reduce the amount of data already stored on these platforms
  • Reduce the amount of data coming from the outside and received by these platforms


It is essential to point out that using our optimization software is fully automatic and transparent for your users as well as for the recipients and the consumers of the optimized files, even if they are outside your organization and not equipped with any of our software.

With the Cloud and the massive, sometimes claimed as unlimited, amounts of storage made available by the Cloud providers, are our optimization solutions still useful?

Cloud is unlimited! Really?

Well, in the real world, "unlimited" plans are only available until you start using it. This was illustrated by Microsoft themselves; "Microsoft drops unlimited OneDrive storage after people have used it for unlimited storage" There is no such thing as unlimited resources provided at no cost, except in promo marketing talks.

Cloud storage is cheap! Yes, but...

Even if Cloud storage is apparently cheap, you still need to access it. The larger is the amount of data to access (download, upload, synchronize, backup, restore etc.) in the Cloud, the more time it takes and the more network bandwidth it consumes. When all of your email and collaboration platform users are moved to the Cloud, every single bit of email and collaboration data sent by user A to user B has to go up and down to the Cloud, even if B is A's next door colleague. This puts a serious pressure on your network links to the Cloud and on their ability to convey this new traffic rapidly.

Once your migration to the Cloud is achieved...

Once your migration to the Cloud is completed, most of your IT infrastructure will most probably be decommissioned in time, and your IT team reduced to what is needed to manage your cloud-based applications. The more time passes, the more the migration to the Cloud looks like a one-way journey with no or very complicated and expensive way back. When this time arrives, you will probably be in better position with two times less data stored in the Cloud and with IT processing needs kept under strict control, because the costs of the cloud resources consumed by your email and collaboration platforms could very well increase significantly.