MK Net.Work

Volume Optimization, Acceleration and Cost Reduction Software Solutions
for Microsoft, IBM and other Messaging and Collaboration Platforms

    Contact Form

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    Privacy Policy

    We have a very strict internal Email Privacy Policy that guaranties we will never share, sell, or rent your contact data.

    Your email address will only be used for purpose of answering your questions or requests.

    In our response emails, the sender field always contains the real email address of a person at MK Net.Work and the signature always includes the full name of this person and his/her direct phone number.

    We also hate spam.

    MK Net.Work Europe

    55 boulevard Pereire
    75017 Paris

    French and English speaking

    Phone: +33 (0)1 44 01 55 88

    USA (MA)

    Phone: +1 (857) 272-8384

    Master German (DACH) Partner

    Bücker GmbH
    Friedrichstrasse 17
    41460 Neuss

    German and English speaking

    Phone: +49 (0)2131-209 89-02

    Fully functional evaluation versions

    Start evaluating our client and server optimization solutions for:
    • Microsoft Outlook, OWA, Exchange, Lync / Skype for Business and SharePoint
    • IBM Notes, iNotes, Domino, Connections and Verse
    • Google Gmail,, Yahoo Mail and other web mails

    Curious to have a look at MS Office XML files natively optimized by our solutions?

    Before evaluating our optimization solutions, you’d like to look at some MS Office XML file samples, before and after optimization, check the volume reduction ratios, display original and optimized DOCX, PPTX etc. files side by side at screen or even print them.

    Curious to have a look at image files natively optimized by our solutions?

    Before evaluating our optimization solutions, you’d like to look at some image file samples, before and after optimization, check the volume reduction ratios, display original and optimized pictures side by side at screen or even print them.

    Needing offline reading material?

    • PDF product flyers
    • White Papers
    • PowerPoint presentations
    • Video demo

    Let's stay in touch!

    Would you be one of our customers or just starting an evaluation of our optimization solutions, or just thinking about using them for future projects, we can stay in touch through our newsletters.
    © 1995-2025 MK Net.Work